Last fall I went to a bar that made their own caramel-infused bourbon and fell in love! I never knew it could be so easy to make this myself! All of my friends that have tried my infused whiskey are obsessed. My favorite way to drink this is shaken over ice then strained into a shot glass. However, you could also enjoy it on the rocks, in apple cider, or in any cocktail of your choosing. Cheers!
1 bottle Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey
1 package soft caramel candies
1. Place entire package of unwrapped caramels in large bottle or carafe.
2. Pour whiskey over candies, covering completely. Make sure there is a few inches of empty bottle at the top.
3. Cover and shake vigorously for about 1 min.
4. Let mixture sit overnight and shake again until all solid candies are dissolved. Enjoy!